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Costa Rica

Smooth, Balanced, Bright


Coffee Tonya Costa Rica Coffee Bean

Costa Rica is a Central American country known for its high-quality coffee beans. The country has a long history of coffee production, with coffee being introduced to the country in the 1700s. Today, Costa Rica is one of the top coffee producing countries in the world.

Costa Rica coffee beans are known for their mild, balanced flavor profile. They are typically medium-bodied with bright acidity and a clean finish. Costa Rica's coffee growing regions have a range of microclimates and soil types, which can affect the flavor of the beans. However, overall, Costa Rican coffee beans tend to have a consistent, high-quality flavor.


Coffee Variety: Arabica



"Costa Rica coffee beans: Rich flavor, worth buying." - Jane D. from Alabang

Costa Rica

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SKU: 150501
  • Whole Bean - For homes that have a grinder to grind fresh at home, the preferred method

    Drip - (Medium-Coarse) Regular coffee machines 

    Pourover - (Medium - Grind #14) For Hand Brewing pourover coffee -V60s, Kalitas, etc

    French Press - (Coarse - Grind #18) For brewing with a French Press

    Espresso - (Finest - Grind # 6) For brewing espresso

    Cold Brew - (Coarsest - Grind #12) For making cold brew, Italian Roast recommended

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