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Guatemala SHB

Premium, high-altitude, nutty, chocolatey.


Coffee Tonya Guatemala SHB

The Guatemala Antigua SHB coffee bean boasts a rich and enticing aroma, a well-rounded flavor profile characterized by notes of chocolate and nuttiness, a hint of citrus sourness, and a complex taste with three distinct flavor threads that make for an unforgettable coffee experience.

Guatemala SHB (Strictly Hard Bean) Coffee Beans are a premium variety of Arabica beans that are grown in the high-altitude regions of Guatemala. These beans are carefully cultivated at an elevation of 4,500 to 5,500 feet, which gives them a unique and rich flavor profile.The beans are hand-picked and sun-dried to ensure that they retain their natural flavor and aroma. They have a medium to full body, with a bright acidity that is balanced by sweet and nutty undertones. You can expect a smooth and clean finish with a slight chocolatey aftertaste.



"This time, I bought it for iced coffee at Guatemala SHB's Italian roast.The sweetness and sourness were well-balanced, and the umami peculiar to coffee was especially wonderful.I brewed the same amount of drippers with HARIO, KALITA, and MELITA, but Ipersonally prefer HARIO.It was a good choice to buy it because it was almost refreshing like cold water.I will be purchasing this again next time!" - Rissa C. from Negros Oriental, Sibulan

Guatemala SHB

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SKU: 150301
  • Whole Bean - For homes that have a grinder to grind fresh at home, the preferred method

    Drip - (Medium-Coarse) Regular coffee machines 

    Pourover - (Medium - Grind #14) For Hand Brewing pourover coffee -V60s, Kalitas, etc

    French Press - (Coarse - Grind #18) For brewing with a French Press

    Espresso - (Finest - Grind # 6) For brewing espresso

    Cold Brew - (Coarsest - Grind #12) For making cold brew, Italian Roast recommended

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